Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

Wax contour for decoration of candles. Pearlescent and metallic paints are applied through the thin opening of the cap directly to the candles. The drawing can be dotted, intermittent, ornamental. Drying time 5-6 hours. All paints can be mixed together. Produced in a volume of 25 ml.
Product Code Product Name Price Qty

Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318090301 Candle contur 25ml Viva Decor, Bronze

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318010101 Candle contur 25ml Viva Decor, Champagne

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318065001 Turquoise

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318030001 Orange

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318050101 Lilac

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318040201 Fuchsia

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318090101 Candle contur 25ml Viva Decor, Gold

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318010001 Candle contur 25ml Viva Decor, White

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318050201 Violet

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318040001 Red

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318070101 Limegreen

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318060101 Light blue

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318090201 Candle contur 25ml Viva Decor, Silver

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318090401 Candle contur 25ml Viva Decor, Copper

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318070001 Green

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318080001 Black

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318020001 Yellow

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Candle contur 25 ml Viva Decor

V318090501 Candle contur 25ml Viva Decor, Platinum/Pearl

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